Winter 2008

“Disdain for gay individuals”, according to the latest Barna Research, “has become virtually synonymous with the Christian faith” so far as Americans aged 16-29 are concerned. “Today, the most common perception is that present-day Christianity is ‘anti-homosexual’. Overall, 91% of young non-Christians and 80% of young church goers say this phrase describes Christianity.” Barna president…

Fall 2008

“That man is really disgusting.” This was Francis Schaeffer’s assessment of Jerry Falwell, “growled” to son Frank once the two were out of Falwell’s earshot. The apologist was reacting to antigay bigotry Falwell had suddenly blurted: “If I had a dog that did what they do, I’d shoot him!” Schaeffer says his father had tried…

REVIEW. Fall 2008, Vol. 33. No. 4.

“A Dark Day: Post-Christian America?” by Pat Buchanan, The Washington Times, June 2, 2008. “The Christian Pop Cultures of Rapture Ready” by Sarah Pulliam, Christianity, June 19, 2008. “Tim Russert’s Contagious Faith” by Steve Sjogren, The Church Report, June 20, 2008. by Dr. Ralph Blair Syndicated columnist Pat Buchanan weighs in against the California…

Summer 2008

A. J. Jacobs’ first bestseller was on his reading through the entire Encyclopedia Britannica. Now he’s come up with an equally fascinating and humorous account of his Year of Living Biblically (Simon and Schuster). Christianity Today’s Books & Culture review sums: “At its heart, this is a book about all the various ways religious people…

Spring 2008

The Royal College of Psychiatrists is warning the Church of England to reject so-called “reparative therapy” for homosexuals. The psychiatrists state that attempting to change one’s sexual orientation “can be deeply damaging. Although there is now a number of therapists and organizations in the USA and in the UK that claim that therapy can help…

Fall 2007

“By no means would we ever say change can be sudden or complete.” This is what Alan Chambers, head of the Exodus “ex-gay” network, told the Los Angeles Times in mid-June. He admits to his own continuing sexual attraction to men while now married to a woman and identifying as “straight”. And he’s now joining…