REVIEW. Spring 2010, Vol. 35. No. 2.

“Seeking Truth: Three Views on the Calvin Approach to Academic Freedom” by Anthony Diekema, George Marsden and Nicholas Wolterstorff, The Calvin Spark, Winter 2009 “Can Homosexuals Be Christian?” by C. Michael Patton,, January 4, 2010 “Love of Unimaginable Proportions” by Mark Galli,, March 4, 2010.

Fall 2009

“People who portray gay adults as godless, hedonistic, Christian-bashers are not working with the facts”, says evangelical pollster George Barna, founder of the research firm, The Barna Group. Reporting in July on a nationwide survey of 9,232 Americans over the last two years, Barna states: “A substantial majority of gays cite their faith as a…

Summer 2009

“People like you should be shot and killed!” That’s what was shouted at Don Dent and Terry Tebedo when they visited Northwest Bible Church in Dallas in 1987. They vowed never to go back. Terry died of AIDS the following year. Don has since become a serious Christian and has come to know a younger…

Spring 2009

Evangelical leaders are partnering with progressive think tank Third Way to find common ground in “culture war” issues such as gay rights, abortion and immigration reform. Mercer University ethicist David Gushee says that, at the core of the coalition’s Come Let Us Reason Together agenda is a “concern for human dignity”. He grants that some…

Winter 2009

“Which issue is most important to you in this election?” Evangelical publisher, Christianity Today, polled its on-line readers at the end of October and this was the response to the question: Abortion (29%), Economy (23%), Foreign Policy (8%), Same-sex Marriage (7%), Terrorism (6%), Health Care (6%), Poverty (5%), Energy 2%), Environment (1%), Education (1%), Immigration…