EC’s 84th ConnECtion
over 44 Summers


The 2024 ConnECtion of Evangelicals Concerned, the 44th in the East and the 84th of our ConnECtions across the country, will again be virtual.

The keynote addresses can be read here. Our 2023 guest keynoters are Jean Klee, Steven Schimmele and Dr. Ralph Blair. Read their personal stories and hear God’s word in their ministry through these keynotes.


Jean lives in Minnesota on the Mississippi River with her husband and Boxers.  Their property is Certified Wildlife Habitat. She taught for 30 years in Catholic Schools, with an emphasis on Religion and Science.  She enjoys maintaining her Little Free Library in their yard and sewing for charity.

Read Jean’s keynote here.


Steve earned his undergraduate degree in his home state of Minnesota and after graduation worked for InterVarsity as a volunteer staff and then at InterVarsity headquarters in Madison, WI. After leaving InterVarsity he earned an MBA and then moved to New York City working in banking, office administration for a boutique consulting company, and in finance in New York City government. He retired in 2022 and is a ¾ time volunteer at his church. He loves travel returning to Minnesota regularly and visiting the U.K. whenever he can.

Read Steve’s keynote here.


Since 1980, Dr. Ralph Blair has organized and sponsored ConnECtion, conferences which have been life changing experiences for hundreds of gay men, lesbians, and friends who are responding with trust to God’s love and who seek to live thankfully and faithfully under God’s grace and peace.

You are all One in Christ Jesus

Read Dr. Blair’s keynote address here.