EC’s 81st ConnECtion
over 41 Summers


The 2021 ConnECtion of Evangelicals Concerned, the 41st in the East and the 81st of our ConnECtions across the country, will again be virtual, given the need to observe social distancing. 

The keynote addresses can be read here. Our 2021 guest keynoter is Gayla R. Postma, the recently retired news editor of The Banner of the Christian Reformed Church. A lifelong member of the Christian Reformed Church, she began writing for The Banner, the official magazine of the Christian Reformed Church, in 1983. She served as its news editor from 2002 until her retirement last fall.
She says she’s “not an expert on the CRC and its decades of discussions about homosexuality and same-sex attraction”, but that, she’s “watched some of the developments up close in my work capacity. Much of my knowledge has come from research of past documents, including the Agendas and Acts of the annual synods of the CRC.”

Homosexuality and the Christian Reformed Church

Read the keynote here.

Since 1980, Dr. Ralph Blair has organized and sponsored ConnECtion, conferences which have been life changing experiences for hundreds of gay men, lesbians, and friends who are responding with trust to God’s love and who seek to live thankfully and faithfully under God’s grace and peace.
Dr. Blair speaks throughout the U.S. and is the editor of a quarterly literature review on religion and homosexuality.

But, what about you?  Who do you say I am?

Read Ralph Blair’s keynote here.