Keeping Faith with the Faith of Our Fathers

Introductory Lecture for the Jonathan Edwards / John Wesley Tercentenary Preaching Festival of Evangelicals Concerned Ocean Grove, New Jersey September 26, 2003 The evangelical movement sailed forth in the fervor for the gospel of Christ in 18th century “Great Awakenings” on both shores of that ocean out there. As it’s been said, “Evangelicalism emerged precisely…

COMING OUT AHEAD: Disconnecting, Connecting, and Reconnecting for Christ

An expanded version of the Keynote address given by Dr. Ralph Blair at the Eastern and Western connECtions 2003 INTRODUCTION Earlier this year I was at Wheaton College for the centenary of that brilliant observer of the 20th century, Malcolm Muggeridge. He was the consummate insider who was ever the outsider. In his memoir, Chronicles…

The Summing Up

A Sermon by Dr. Ralph Blair at City Church, New York on August 31, 2003 As you may know, the night before he died in the Iraqi desert, NBC correspondent David Bloom sent his wife an e-mail that was later read at his funeral at St. Patrick’s Cathedral here in the city. Here’s what he…

An Atheist’s Advice

A Sermon by Dr. Ralph Blair at City Church, New York on June 22, 2003 An atheist’s advice? Here it is: Christians should be Christians. That was the advice of at least one atheist. Back in 1948, French Dominicans asked existentialist Albert Camus to talk on the topic: “What Do Unbelievers Expect of Christians?” His…