Spring 1997

Edman Chapel at Wheaton College is named for V. Raymond Edman, the evangelical college’s president from 1940 to 1965. His lesbian granddaughter, Liz Edman, is interviewed in the January issue of the newsletter of the Wheaton College Gay and Lesbian Alumni/ae Association. Liz Edman, a seminary graduate,

Winter 1997

In memoriam to theologian/psychol-ogist Henri Nouwen who died in September, the popular evangelical magazine, Christianity Today, devoted all of its November 11th “Reflections” page to excerpts from his works. CT states that this beloved Catholic writer “left behind a wealth of insights that have brought encouragement and ministered to thousands.”

REVIEW. Fall 1995 Vol. 20 No. 4.

“Homosexuality: What we know for sure” by Stanton L. Jones and Mark A. Yarhouse, Christian Counseling Today, Summer 1994; Jay L. Hollman, “The Future of Medical Science: Ethical and Theological Implications”, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, March 1995; The Newsletter of the American Scientific Affiliation & Canadian Scientific & Christian Affiliation, July/August 1995.